Bloom where you are planted 🌷

When the year began in 2017 I knew that I wanted to do things differently. Every year I welcome the new year by setting some resolutions. Every year I never complete those resolutions. Some of them I don’t even start on. This year I decided I would not continue doing something that has never served me in the past. 

 A typical Resolutions list lol (source: Google)

That is how Bloom where you are planted came into effect. If you follow me on Instagram you’ll notice that I mentioned this at the beginning of the year. Bloom where you are planted is more than just words, it is a state of mind; a way of life. It means making the most of what you’ve got in that very moment, at that very time, in that very place where you are. It means taking that ‘not enough’ that is available to you right now and making it work despite the odds. You are exactly where you are right now for a reason so make it work despite your circumstances.

Post on my Instagram (source: sandraxshe

I’m sure everyone would raise their hand if they were asked if there is something about their life they want to change right now. Everyone would say ‘I wish I was younger, thinner, richer, lived in a different part of the world’ etc. Does that sound familiar? Or more commonly ‘if I had more money / if I had more time, I would go after my dreams’. 

But the reality is that there is no point dwelling on things you can’t change. Don’t wish you were in a different city, had a different life, were a little bit younger or whatever else you’re wasting your time dwelling on. 
If you have a dream that you’ve been sitting on or postponing because you’re waiting for the ‘right time’ please believe me when I say there will never be a perfect time or a perfect place to start anything. Things are meant to be started amidst the chaos; amidst the uncertainty; amidst the ‘I don’t know where this is going but I’ll stick it out and find out’. That place my friend is where magic is created. Where genius is born! Where expectations are exceeded!!
                Start now! (source: Pinterest) 

I have been using Bloom where you are planted as my daily mantra since 2017 began and I can’t believe how much it’s changed my mindset- and my life – and how many opportunities I’ve received just from thinking this way. 

Many of you do not know that I live in New Zealand. I moved to New Zealand just two years ago from South Africa. (I am originally from Zimbabwe though.) When I moved here I struggled a lot with going after my passions. I did not know anyone here!! I had no network, no connections, no knowledge of how to get started on doing what I love. 

I had to start from scratch, I had to make new connections, build new networks, manouver the lay of the land. It took me ages!!! Everyday I wanted to go back to SA, go back to what I knew. Why did I have to work so hard to start from scratch when I already had something halfway done back at home??! 

It was soo hard for me to change my mindset. Until I started living by Bloom where you are planted. I realized that it’s not by mistake that I landed up here. There’s probably a reason much bigger than me as to why I’m here, and everyday more assurance of this is unfolding. So whilst I’m here I’m making the most of it, I do not waste my time dwelling on things I cannot control or change any longer. 

I’m going after all the things I always wanted despite where I am. 

Content!! (source Instagram: sandraxshe

This blog for example is a perfect example of this mantra. I’ve been meaning to start this blog for the past 2 years now. It was on my 2015 & 2016 resolutions list but I never got started. I always said I needed “a really good photographer, a better camera, a good shooting location before I start”. Whatever excuse you can think of I used it. 

But this year I decided enough was enough! I was going to start using exactly what I have right now (which is not much) and make it work. And to my astonishment, it has gone really well so far. I only have two posts published so far but my stats have been decent for a first timer. I’ve had over 300 visitors to the blog and more than 400 views on both my posts combined. I’m still working on that follower count but I am still so grateful – and overwhelmed – by all the support I’ve received since starting this blog!!! 😱

I want to say thank you to anyone who’s taken the time out to read what I post. Love and light to you all and remember to Bloom where you’ve been planted.

Till next post!



23 thoughts on “Bloom where you are planted 🌷

  1. yoursincerely_d💕 says:

    Amazing post and so true ,bloom where you are ,from there you can grow through all spheres after all everyone starts somewhere
    Have a great day 🙂😄

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Natasha says:

    Haha I can relate to the resolutions list so much. I insist on giving up on them but every new year I sit and draft one. I love the mantra!! There’s so much positivity in this post, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! Happy blogging 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Barbara M says:

    I wish you had wrote this post just shy of 2017. . . And I wish I had read this post then because boy this is exactly what I’ve needed to hear for a long time coming. Thank you for this post from one sister to another, I believe I’ll be adding this to my list of mantras. Very powerful! Liked and followed 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  4. drewkiercey says:

    “I did not know anyone here!! I had no network, no connections, no knowledge of how to get started on doing what I love. ”
    If that is not the definition of bravery, IDK what is. Bloom where you are planted indeed.

    — Bless

    Liked by 1 person

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